World of warships cleveland tier 8 upgrades
World of warships cleveland tier 8 upgrades

world of warships cleveland tier 8 upgrades

Only real ships you have to be careful of getting close to is Myoko and Mogami since they have the long range torpedoes and HE that can slap you silly if your not careful.

world of warships cleveland tier 8 upgrades

Same with the German line since their torpedoes can go only 6km. USN Pepsi, N.O., and Omaha you can pen then when they give you a flat side at about 8-6 effective and you can get really close. Just have learn the classes and their armor. The only time I would say start you would want to use AP is when a Cruiser is giving its sides at a range of about 8-6 Km. I use He for almost all rangers but you would want to use it for longer (+10km) to mid (10km-5.5km) range fights with almost everythings. Do you use your Cleveland as a fire starter with HE, or is it HE from long range and AP inside of 9-10 km?

World of warships cleveland tier 8 upgrades